The International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA) and North South University are jointly sponsoring the 7th IHSA Humanitarian Studies Conference to be held on 05-07 November 2023 in hybrid mode in Dhaka, Bangladesh.
Papers related to the designated theme that are submitted for presentation at the conference may be submitted for prospective publication in the Special Issue of the North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies (NSJPGS).
Deadline for submission of papers to the Journal is the 10 November 2023.
Papers are to be submitted at the submission tab of the journal website:
NSJPGS will publish accepted papers from interested conference participants as well as from interested scholars internationally who submit directly to the journal. Professor Helal Ahammad, Professor of Economics in the Department of Economics and Dean of the NSU School of Business and Economics, will serve as Guest Editor for the Special Issue. Professor Ahammad is also Associate Editor of the NSJPGS.
All papers accepted for publication in response to this CFP will be published online first at the journal website and subsequently published in the print version of the journal’s Special Issue (planned for late December 2023). Information about the journal and instructions for authors are provided below.
Published by
Journal Editors
Aims And Scope of the Journal
North South Journal of Peace and Global Studies is an open access, double-blind peer-reviewed journal publishing annually in both electronic and print format. The journal aims to engage topics and themes related to domestic, geopolitical, and international peace and justice; issues of political culture and diversity; issues in international law, global security, and world order; problems of socioeconomic development, public health, and environment related to Sustainable Development Goals; proposals for practicable solutions to problems of social and distributive justice and reduction or elimination of structural violence, armed conflict, and forced migration; governance policy related to the foregoing themes, etc. The journal welcomes diverse, interdisciplinary, and multidisciplinary studies that engage these contemporary issues. It is not limited to any particular school of thought, geographic region, or research methodology. Submissions having empirical, quantitative, or qualitative research methods are welcome.
Policy on Publication Ethics
The journal expects all authors to be compliant with best practices in publication ethics and research integrity, including avoiding any and all misrepresentations as to due authorship, data presented within text, figures, and tables, and avoiding plagiarism, falsification, fabrication, or manipulation of data in the entirety of the manuscript and all supplementary data files submitted for editorial and/or peer review.
All multi-authored papers submitted should provide a clear statement about role and contribution of all co-authors (who performed what tasks, contributed to what function, etc. to qualify for authorship). When the corresponding author submits a paper the Editor assumes all authors have consented to submission and prospective publication of the submitted paper in the journal. Others who did not perform according to authorship functions but have made some minor contribution may be mentioned in an Acknowledgements section at the end of the paper after the Reference List. Any paper submitted must not have been previously published in any form in any journal, conference proceeding, book, or edited volume. Any paper reporting on research results involving human subjects/participants must include documentation of ethics clearance of the research protocol in use from an Institutional Review Board/Ethics Review Committee. Such documentation (letter or certificate of approval) must be submitted at the time the paper is submitted to the journal for editorial review.
The journal’s editorial staff takes seriously any allegation of research misconduct or violation of publication ethics related to the paper submitted and/or published in the journal. The Editor will undertake to investigate any and all allegations to assure the journal’s compliance with research and publication ethics. Depending on the type of allegation any investigation may entail involvement of the author’s institutional authorities.
Instructions for Authors
The International Humanitarian Studies Association, and BLISS (the blog of the International Institute of Social Studies, ISS) are teaming up for a special IHSA conference blog series on Humanitarian Studies! If you’d like to share your latest research with a wider audience, highlight a topic, or share thoughts sparked by a roundtable or discussion, why not write for BLISS? Check out the guidelines below:
800 to 1,100 words
All submitted blogs will be reviewed by Tom Ansell, HSC Coordinator, and the BLISS Editorial team. Your blog will be published and shared across social media, and on the BLISS website under a special ‘IHSA Conference Series’ header. You can write on anything related to Humanitarian Studies or Humanitarian Affairs, and we particularly welcome submissions from early stage researchers. Just contact for more information. You can choose to either ‘pitch’ a piece if you would like assistance gathering your ideas, or simply deliver a fully-written blog. Please note that BLISS blogs are fully approved by the author before being published.