Call for Panels

Call for Panels is now closed.

The panels are reviewed by a Scientific Committee consisting of IHSA board members and experts from our partner North South University.

Below you can find steps and information on uploading a panel, but don’t hesitate to contact us if you have further questions.


Call for panels opens 1 April 2023
Call for panels closes 10 July 2023
Review deadline panels 15 July 2023
Call for papers opens 1 July 2023
Call for papers closes (EXTENDED)  30 Sept 2023
Review deadline papers (EXTENDED) 4 Oct 2023
Conference dates 5-7 Nov 2023

Useful Information for Panel Organizers
As panel organizer we hope you will actively engage in soliciting papers for your panel.

IHSA aims for conferences that bring together academics as well as reflective practitioners. Your panel can be leaning to one of these audiences, or aim for a mixed participation. Once a paper abstract is submitted to your panel, the submitter will get an automated reply to acknowledge the receipt and you will be notified automatically.

It is up to you to accept or reject paper proposals.

Criteria you may apply are:

  • Is the proposal relevant to the theme of the panel?
  • Has it potential to become an interesting paper?
  • Does it have academic quality? Or in case of a more practical paper: Does it have strong argument and is it based on material evidence or case studies?
  • Does it make a reference to methodology?

You can also make suggestions to paper providers on improving their proposal to meet these criteria. Slots for panels during the conference are 90 minutes. This serves for 3-5 papers. In case there are more papers in your panel, you can have more slots. It may be advisable to appoint a chair to the panel and you may choose to have a discussant to the panel.

IHSA aims for a broad geographical participation and especially encourages the participation from countries where humanitarian crises occur frequently. We unfortunately do not have an elaborate budget for sponsored participation. We will highly appreciate any efforts you can make to find sponsorship for participants to your panel if so required.

Adding co-organisers/reviewers
You can add panel organisers to your panel. A co-organiser will be visible on the panel page, receives an automatic email after a paper was submitted and can review papers. You can add a co-organiser following these steps:
– Log in on the conference website
– Go to your ‘account‘ page (top of the page)
–  In the left side menu click on ‘your panels
– Click on the ‘invite’ link under your submitted panel
– Co-organisers need to create an account on the conference panel in order to accept the invite

Steps to Upload a Panel

  • Create a new account by registering on the website
  • Decide to which theme you would like to upload your panel
  • Log in with your account
  • Visit the Call for Panels page and fill in the submission form on the right side of this page
  • Submit a +/- 200 word abstract for your panel
  • You will receive a message in your inbox if submission was successful
  • The panel will now be reviewed by the 2023 Scientific Committee 
  • You will receive an automatic email when your panel was accepted
  • You can invite a co-organiser/reviewer to your panel on your account page (steps below)
  • After acceptance your panel will be published under ‘proposed panels‘ on the website
  • The call for panels will close on June 25, and will be reviewed until the June 30th.
  • People will be able to submit papers to your panel as soon as the call for papers opens
  • You will be notified by email when someone has submitted a paper to your panel
  • You can then log in on the conference website to accept or decline that paper