The Routledge Humanitarian Studies series is a collaboration with the International Humanitarian Studies Association (IHSA). The series editors are Alex de Waal, Dorothea Hilhorst, Mihir Bhatt and Annette Jansen. The series takes a comprehensive approach to the growing field of expertise that is humanitarian studies. Find the series via this page. IHSA members receive a 20% discount on any books from the series.
During this side event, Routledge International will be presenting useful suggestions on how to get your book published. In addition to the above a series of books related with humanitarian studies will be presented.
Helena Hurd is the Editor of African Studies and Global Development books at Routledge, Taylor & Francis. Helena has over ten years’ experience in publishing, and is always keen to hear about exciting new book ideas, especially for the book series Routledge Humanitarian Studies, which is edited by Thea Hilhorst, Alex de Waal, Annette Jansen and Mihir Bhatt, and is published in association with the IHSA. Helena lives in England and can be found at and on Twitter @DevelopmentEdtr.
4 November 2021
13.00 – 13.30 CET
Room 21