Wednesday, 15 October 2025, to Friday, 17 October 2025.
The conference will be Hybrid. Panels and papers can be presented both online as well as in-person in Istanbul.
Venue & Address
Göztepe Campus of Marmara University in Istanbul, Turkiye.
Fahrettin Kerim Gökay Cd, 34722 Kadıköy/İstanbul, Türkiye.
Conference Schedule
Coming soon!
Accommodation & Partner Hotels
Conference participants are expected to find their own accommodation in Istanbul during the conference. Marmara University is working to partner with a selected number of hotels at which conference participants can stay for special rates. To receive this discount, participants have to book through the hotel directly and mention their conference participation when booking their stay. Further information on this will follow shortly.
Information regarding transportation and routes can be found here.
Visa / Invitation Letters
Find out more about the visa requirements to visit Turkiye on this website. You can reach out to for an invitation letter.
Please provide us with the following information:
– Link to panel/paper on IHSA website
– Name as in passport
– Affiliation
– Nationality
– D.O.B
– Passport Number
– Expiry date passport
– Address of embassy/consulate you will apply to (not needed for visa-on-arrival).
Please do not send us a copy of your passport via email as we would like to keep the processing of personal data to the minimum due to privacy reasons.