Paper: Daring, Multidisciplinary approaches and reachingout

Paper details

Paper authors Einav Levy
In panel on What do Practitioners Really Need from Academics? Searching for Best Practices
Paper presenter(s) will be presenting In-Person / Online


The academics hold few significance characteristics such as access to multidisciplinary sectors and the privilege of discussing approaches in a distanced perspective. Three relatively sensitive and partially tabooed subjects will be discussed.
Humanitarian agencies are hardly offering to procure abortions in cases of unwanted pregnancies in humanitarian contexts. There are few reasons given by the agencies. A team of scholars from medical and legal background supported by gender experts and anthropologists might develop and approach to overcome ethical and cultural barriers for medical practices who saves lives.
Female Gentile Mutilation (FGM) is one of the most sensitive topics discussed as it comes to human rights and cultural relativity. Currently, the offered solution in Kenya was developed by a local activist who could identify the circumstances of such practice. The role of academics as leaders of agendas in such phenomena is to offer solution such as advocating for alternative practices, which are relying on the symbols and similar practices.
A third topic discussed will be a stress reduction model, which was developed for survivors of torturing camps.
Best practices on the described matters may look at targeting the most sensitive issues, combining multidisciplinary team and developing models to address these matters.



Einav Levy
The Israeli School of Humanita...