When conducting field-based research or fieldwork, researchers often operate within complex and dynamic social and political contexts. Both the quality of research and the security of the researcher is a function of how well-planned the research is, taking into account the local context and the risk environment.
Clarity Security Training was established in 2008 and is the leading provider of personal security training to the UK Relief and Development sector, providing training to a host of NGO’s as well as to DFID CHASE OT. Increasingly we are opening up our training to researchers from think tanks such as ODI and CIDT. This 3 day training is designed to assist researchers in conducting their research in hazardous, remote or complex environments as safely and securely as possible. The focus of this training is on the individual researcher, yet takes into account issues involved in managing small teams and in liaising with HQ and partner organisations’ security and risk management processes.
This 3 day training is designed to assist researchers in conducting their research in hazardous, remote or complex environments as safely and securely as possible. The focus of this training is on the individual researcher, yet takes into account issues involved in managing small teams and in liaising with HQ and partner organisations’ security and risk management processes.
Duration: 3 Days. Friday 24th to Sunday 26th August
Location: International Institute of Social Studies,The Hague
The Netherlands
BOOKING: Please email lucy.hodgson@clarity-training.co.uk to express interest or book via the website: http://www.claritysecuritytraining.com
*please note we will only be able to run this course if a minimum of 12 bookings are made before 16th July 2018. Discount rate applicable until this date – with no payment required until August 2018.
EURO 735 +VAT,
*This course will precede the 5th bi-annual conference of the International Humanitarian Studies Association taking place in The Hague, The Netherlands from 27 to 29 August 2018. The overall theme of this year’s conference is: (Re-)Shaping Boundaries in Crisis and Crisis Response
The AIM of this course is to enhance the security and first aid skills of research staff. This training is for researchers and academics who are either travelling for research overseas themselves, or involved in the training and deployment of researchers and looking to improve their own risk management processes.
Key Learning Objectives for this course
• The importance of, and best practice for, security in field research
• Tips, Tools and Techniques to improve risk assessment and risk mitigation.
• How to avoid and manage incidents and crises.
• How to develop security awareness and personal security skills
• How to reduce risk of becoming a victim of personal crime, including sexual aggression.
• The course includes 7 hours of practical first aid training, applicable to remote areas.
• The course includes role-play and practical elements to develop, test and review skills in security and first aid.